Your oral health is just as vital as your overall health!
To maintain a hygienic dental goal, you need the appropriate cordless water flosser for your dental condition. Portable water flossers, also known as oral irrigators, are convenient to floss your teeth. Even as traditional floss offers the same dental benefit of removing plaque between the teeth, it might not be appropriate for everyone.
Traditional floss is effective as it easily wraps your teeth curves and corners. However, the difficulty attached might pose a bruise to your sensitive gum and irritation. Although using the countertop water flosser might sound like an alternative, wouldn’t you prefer the portability of the cordless water flosser?
But beyond the easy usage of the portable water flossers, you must know the appropriate one for your dental specifications. The American Dental Association (ADA) has also validated that cordless flossers are appropriate for persons with dental conditions or who cannot use a string flosser.
So, let’s dig a little deeper as we unwrap suitable best cordless water flossers based on your dental condition.
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All of our picks have the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance.
Best Cordless Water Flosser for Teeth: Waterpik Cordless Advanced Water Flosser (WP-560)
The Waterpik Water Flosser has been verified by the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of acceptance. Also, based on our priority of choice, this Waterpik passed all the criteria-test and is highly recommended for hassle-free flossing.
The Waterpik cordless advanced flosser is the best water flosser for people with limited space. Although this cordless model is pricier than the other versions, it offers easy gripping points. The Waterpik Cordless Advanced Water Flosser features an extra-quiet design and a 4-hour rapid magnetic charger.
The water reservoir is adequate to provide you with a minimum of 45 seconds of flossing time. Also, the flosser allows you to adjust the pulse pressure into three different stages: low, medium, and high options.
One of the most appealing features of this cordless water flosser is its ability to be used in the shower. Because the water flosser tip spins 360 degrees, you can keep your neck in place during water flossing.
Waterpik is a fantastic tool that anyone can use. It’s only a matter of following a few simple steps. Fill the reservoir with water and floss along your gum line. However, if you have sensitive teeth, it’s advisable to fill the reservoir with warm water or add mouthwash.
Complete product review Waterpik WP-560
Best Cordless Water Flosser for Implants: Waterpik Cordless Freedom (WF-03)
Another product with the ADA seal of approval is the Freedom Waterpik water flosser. The Freedom oral irrigator has also been clinically proven to remove up to 99.9% of plaque from treated regions. Even with a 30-second flossing time, the Freedom Waterpik thoroughly cleans every area of your teeth, far more than traditional flossing.
Freedom Waterpik offers cordless convenience as a high-quality dental solution. It is one of the greatest choices if you want to use a waterproof flosser that fits in your shower.
Freedom Waterpik is a go-to for people who prefer non-electric water floss. You can power it using replaceable AA batteries. So, even when you travel, you need not worry about powering the water floss. This product is easy to use with an easy-to-fill water tank. The Cordless Freedom also includes two pressure control systems, allowing you to customize your water pressure intensity. This non-electric Waterpik product delivers 1200 water pulses per minute.
This lightweight cordless Freedom water flosser features include three water flossing tips, a leak-proof travel plug, and a travel bag. Using this great product is as easy as brushing your teeth. All you need to do in this case is to fill the reservoir, point the tip at your gum line, slightly lean over the sink and have a refreshing floss.
The Waterpik Water Flosser is great for anyone with braces, dental implants, crowns, bridges or periodontal pockets. You can also use your favorite mouthwash to complement this refreshing moment.
Best Cordless Water Flosser for Bridges: Waterpik ION
The Waterpik ION is a professional water flosser with the American Dental seal of Approval, ensuring maximum performance and ease. While this device does not require an outlet to operate, it may be necessary to place it on your bathroom counter. The sole disadvantage of this flosser is its large size, particularly when the water tank is full.
Because of its rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which may last up to 4 weeks between charges, ION is one of our top-rated cordless water flossers. The water flossing product has ten pressure settings (gentle to maximum) and seven flossing tips for compatibility with various dental needs.
This water flosser has the highest flossing time of 90 seconds. You can use the 1-minute timer with a 30-second pacer to keep track of flossing time. Because of its versatility, you can also use it to treat a wide range of dental issues, including implants, bridges, braces, and other dental work. ION is simple to use, just like other Waterpik cordless products: fill the tank, lean against the sink, and begin flossing.
Best Cordless Water Flosser for Sensitive Teeth: Philips Sonicare Airfloss Ultra
The Philips Sonicare air floss ultra is another medically validated cordless water flosser that may also be used instead of string floss for the gums. It also removes 99.9% of plaque from treated regions, compared to manual teeth brushing alone. Water flossing with air floss ultra daily gives you deep interdental teeth cleaning.
This portable flosser comes with a bottle of antibacterial mouthwash and is one of the easiest to use. It also includes triple burst technology, making it more effective than any other flosser on the market. You can clean your entire mouth in 60 seconds with only one click, thanks to its triple burst technology.
The triple burst method is a novel way to eliminate plaque quickly and effectively by combining water, mouthwash, and air. Furthermore, the nozzle tip improves accurate focusing between your teeth while preventing splashback. In the same way, the three modes allow you to adjust the pulse to your requirements. Sonicare air floss ultra is highly recommended for sensitive teeth because of this unique characteristic.
However, to fully enjoy the flosser, you may need to purchase additional tips as well as the rinse. The biggest disadvantage is the reservoir’s fixed position, which makes cleaning it difficult.
This is the succesor of the Philips Sonicare Airfloss Ultra that works even beter:
Philips Sonicare Power Flosser 5000
How to Choose the Best Cordless Water Flosser
Choosing the best cordless water flosser for your dental needs might be a difficult and time-consuming task. In this instance, you have two options: see your dentist for advice or look up a guide online. Before purchasing any cordless oral irrigator, there are a few important considerations. The following are some of the important factors.
- The battery life ( rechargeable or battery-operated)
- The tip-rotation capability
- Leakproof
- Waterproof
- Ease of use
- Water reservoir capacity
- The pressure modes
- Minimum flossing time of 30 seconds
- Your dental condition
5 Simple Tips on How to Use a Cordless Water Flosser
Of course, there are varieties of cordless water flossers. Most of these waterpiks are electric, while some are battery-operated. Nevertheless, their usage is mostly alike, and slight variations are based on their manuals. The following tips will guide you and will also help in the maintenance of your water flosser.
- Charge the water flosser / Use an active battery: For a quality experience, make sure your water flosser is optimally charged. If you are using a battery-operated one, check the battery and change it when appropriate.
- Fill the water reservoirs with water: You need to fill up the flosser depending on its capacity. Some reservoirs are removable, while some are not. You can also use warm water or mouthwash in this case.
- Select the appropriate tip: For every Waterpik, various nozzle tips. The standard tip, which is suited for regular teeth cleaning, is the most widely used. However, there are different specific tips for cleaning around orthodontic equipment in the case of any dental condition such as braces or bridges. Install the appropriate tip once you’ve spotted it.
- Customise the water pressure: Adjust the pressure using the mode button to your preference. Start with the lowest pressure setting and gradually increase it as needed.
- Start flossing: This final step is critical to the success of your flossing. Turn the water flosser on while leaning over the sink to avoid spillage. Water may spray all over the bathroom if you keep your body in an inappropriate position. Direct the water flosser at a 90-degree angle for the best results. Start flossing with the back teeth on the top and work your way forward before moving to the bottom teeth, and vice versa.
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Dr Michael Jones is the proud founder of The Toothbrush Expert. He has been working as a dentist for 21 years now. Besides his work as a dentist, Michael wants to help people to find the right dental products. His goal is to provide everyone with honest expert reviews on all kinds of dental care products.